Tuff Torq K46 ǀ The Most Popular (IHT) in the World

The Tuff Torq K46 is the most popular integrated hydrostatic transaxle (IHT) in the world…and for good reason.

This power unit has all the features and performance of much larger and more expensive transaxles, all at a very affordable cost and in a small and purpose-focused design.  This transaxle has a proven track record in a vast array of applications in all kinds of conditions.  We are confident that the Tuff Torq K46 is a great choice for your next riding mower or lawn tractor project

Why Choose Tuff Torq?

Many companies will immediately tell you how wonderful their products are by jumping right into discussing features and benefits, we’ll get into that below, but first… in our opinion, great products can only be made by great companies and Tuff Torq is truly a great company.

Here’s why, Tuff Torq exists to provide a secure future for our employees, benefit the community, and respect the environment…we just happen to build the highest-value off-highway powertrain solutions in the world.

Now for the features and specifications…


  • Patented L.O.G.I.C. case design for easy installation, reliability and serviceability.
  • Internal wet disk brake system
  • Reversible output/control lever operating logic for application optimization.
  • Smooth operation for either foot or hand control system.


Specification Value Units
Application Rear Engine Riding Mower
Lawn Tractor
Reduction Ratio 28.04:1
Axle Torque (Rated) 28.04:1 = 231.4 (171)
21.53:1 = 177.7 (131)
Nm (ft-lb)
Max. Tire Diameter 28.04:1 = 508 (20)
21.53:1 = 457 (18)
mm (in)
Brake Capacity 28.04:1 = 330 (243)
21.53:1 = 253 (187)
Nm (ft-lb) *@ 350 N (79 lb) Brake arm force
Displacement (Pump/Motor) 7/10 cc/rev
Max. Input Speed 3,400 rpm
Axle Shaft Size 19.05 (0.75) mm (in)
Weight (dry) 12.5 (27.6) kg (lb)
Brake Type Internal Wet Disc
Housing (Case) Die-Cast Aluminum
Gears Heat-treated Powder Metal
Differential Automotive-type Bevel Gears
Speed Control System Foot Control: Dampening system or external shock absorber available
Hand Control: External friction pack and lever avalailable
Bypass valve (Roll Release) Standard
Hydraulic Fluid Type Proprietary Tuff Torq Tuff Tech drive fluid recommended. (Contact OEM for other options)


For more information, download the Tuff Torq K46 brochure here Residential-IHT-brochure-web


Whether you are a customer, distributor, dealer, or OEM we would love to hear from you.  Please reach out using the form below!







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  • Allen W Dunworth says:

    Sears can’t get me parts for my Tuff Torq K46BT on a Riding Mower Model 917.288573. Where can I get the following
    Quantities in parenthesis and part numbers are from sears parts manual that came with the machine.
    (1) 414401 Seal Tc 153507, (1) 414419 Seal 16*22*.03, (2) O ring 1aP12, (2) O ring 1aP14, (2) O ring 1aP10a

  • Sam says:

    I have a Deer L130 what axel will work as an upgrade to the k46

  • Luis Espejo says:

    Necesito comprar una transmisiom K 48BA

  • Brian K Harding says:

    I have a tufftorq K-46 T20 transmission. Someone has removed barcode with Serial number on it. How do I order parts?

    • ggraham says:

      You can contact the tech services of the OEM for the mower and they can, at the very least, get you the OEM part number of the transaxle and I can cross that. Sometimes you get lucky and they can tell you the serial number of the transaxle taht was installed in the mower at manufacturing.

  • I own an independent power equipment service company. I do service and repair on all types of small engine driven power equipment, from string trimmers to chainsaws and lawnmowers to yard and garden tractors. I currently have in a John Deere D140 yard tractor that has been turned on its side and leaked some of the hydraulic oil out. I need information on the type of fluid and total fluid contained in the MIA10910;T40J. Also I need info on how to tell if it is full to factory spec, since there is no dipstick, and where this proprietary fluid can be obtained. I have rebuilt these type of hydrostatic transmissions in the past, but would prefer to not remove this one, since it has previously worked well. Please help.

  • Steven Raine says:

    I am looking for a left axle shaft for a K46e
    Serial number K46e 0019769
    Countax p/n 478000301

  • Robert Tesch says:

    Hi I have a simplicity Broadmoor 46 cut 20 hp Tuff Torq 7A646084230 s/n 57k 0008761 trans. will not go up hills ,and creeps in reverse. oil full ,new belts, Is there a rebuilt kit for this unit? Any ideas on problems? Thanks

    • ggraham says:

      Part number for the repir kit is 1A646099622. Do check the charge pump as well to make sure the rotors are not scratched.

  • Philip cossuto says:

    I have 2016 husqvarna yt48 ls have trouble finding transaxle Tuff torg k 46cr part 501051401

  • Mike robilly says:

    Need a new transmission or rebuild kit for my LA 145 jd riding mower

    • ggraham says:

      To be sure I get you the corect Information, I would need the serial number of the transaxle. It is on the bar code sticker on the case of the transaxle close to one of the axles. Normally you can see it from the rear of the tractor. You can email it to the helpful service techs by sending it to customerservice@tufftorq.com.

  • Jason Miller says:

    Are the k46bt and k46dm interchangeable?

  • I think I have a k46 transaxle on my craftsman mower. I keeps throwing the drive belt at the trans axle drive pulley. The belt is new and of the correct size. I removed the transaxle Faron the mower and see the belt pulley is worn. Can I buy a new pulley from tuff torque. I have the bar code label with the specs on it?

    • ggraham says:

      It depends on which K46 you have. check the serialnumber on the transaxle itself it will tell you the exact unit in your mower.

  • Terrence J Detloff says:

    I’m looking for a replacement for my Tuff Torq 7A646084322 transaxle.

  • Dean Zenor says:

    I have a failed Tuff Torq transmission removed from my Husqvarna riding lawn tractor (I was told it was irreparable but, on a whim, retained it anyway). I have since learned it is probably ‘rebuildable’. What I need is a list of the proper parts kits and an exploded diagram for this particular transmission (the online part & kit number listings are confusing to navigate). I suspect my old transmission does not have any significant issues so a seal kit and fresh oil may be the starting place. This unit is 7A646084181 with serial number 46BT0594051. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

  • Terry Ashe says:

    Good day I have a question about the K46 transmission does it have two speeds or a high and low gear when you put it in neutral then re engage it it seems there are two spots that you can use that the tractor will go forward or back thank you Terry Ashe

    • ggraham says:

      It does not ahve two speeds. the bypass shaft and lever can be in different positions since it is one of the areas on a K46 that can be changed depending on the configeration desired by the OEM of the tractor.

  • Jack Ford says:

    Just received a new k46 transmission from tuftorq. Is this unit ready to go or do I need to bleed air from it.

    • ggraham says:

      It shoud not be an issue if the box arrived with the transaxle right side up and there is no oil on the insde of the bag in the box.

  • Marvin Burkhead says:

    Can you buy a work stand for it? Thanks

  • Dick Sonntag says:

    I’m interested in purchasing a Cub Cadet riding lawn mower because my Poulan Pro has transmission problems. However, since our lot has somI won’t spend e hilly area, I need to purchase a mower with a more sturdy tranny. I am frustrated in that when I look at the various Cub Cadet mowers, all they say for transmission is Tuff Torq, but NOT which one. I won’t spend $2500 – $4000 not knowing whether I’m purchasing the smallest (weakest) transmission or one that will stand up. The alternative is buy Husqvarna or any other brand that one can find out WHICH Tuff Torq transmission the mower uses. Help or lose a customer

    • ggraham says:

      I do not have a good database for Cub Cadet Mowers so I fear I am not able to help with which mowers contain which units. The best advice I can give is go to a dealer and look at the rear of the tractor and there is a bar code sticker on the case of the transaxle that will tell you which unit it is.

  • Lloyd Jessup says:

    I have a john deer X300 and the right axle shaft has broken. I am looking to rebuild it. I bekieve I have the K46 Tuff Torq. Sticker on the transaxle has the following info. Along with a barcode
    TUFF TORQ 7A646084130 SN: 46BC0023039
    JDHW AM134747.
    Are you able to help me ide tofy the proper reapir kit to purchase?

  • David Charles Palmer says:

    I would like a diagram showing how to replace the right rear axle on a K46 AW transaxle

    • ggraham says:

      Here is the link to the axle seal replacement procedure >> chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://tufftorq.ordertree.com/media/promo/TuffTorq/Axle%20Replacement%20Procedure%20-%20T40,%20K46,%20K57%20&%20K574.pdf
      Here is the case resealing procedure >> chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://tufftorq.ordertree.com/media/promo/TuffTorq/Resealing%20Procedure%20-%20K46,%20K57,%20T40%20and%20TL-200.pdf

  • ggraham says:

    No, the K61 is a very different design and is not interchangeable with a K46.

  • Steve Ivy says:

    My John Deere LA 110 mower stopped and the drive belt started smoking so I turned off the engine. then I pulled out the lever in back to put it in neutral so I could move it to a more convenient place. Do you have parts to rebuild the transmission or is it finished?

    • ggraham says:

      It all depends on what is wrong. I would suggest checking the whole tractor out to see what is happening to the belt. All pulleys should be checked to see if one has seized. It is best to make sure what is wrong before assuming it is the transaxle since that is an expensive item I would hate for anyone to rebuild or replace and still have an issue.

  • John Cummins says:

    Mine appears to be having difficulties. Belts, tension, pulleys look OK. Apparently no front supports on this one (see p8 file:///C:/Users/John/Documents/YardEquipment/Husquvarna%20yth24v48/Parts_husqvarna-repair-parts-yth24v48-manual-optimized.pdf ) Has thick oil coating on axel housings (both sides) so may have leaked oil. Help needed. Husqvarna YTH24v48 no problems other than belts/blades/filters before this. Was going up hill when it spun a tire and I backed up, now it is not moving at all, having crept briefly at 1/3 speed. Makes normal “i’m working” transmission/pulley sounds.
    PRODUCT 960450046


    SERIAL 112213A004439

    MODEL 96045004600

    MODEL YTH24148 (I see yth24v48 on the hood of the tractor)

    • ggraham says:

      I would suggest you check the oil level in the transaxle. If there is oil on the case it has either heated up the oil so much it expanded out the vent valve or you have a leak. I cannot speak to the front supports since those are put on by Husqvarna so I do not have that information. You should also consult the bar code sticker on the case close to one of the axles because it has the serial number of the transaxle which is critical for identifying which transaxle you have installed.

  • wayne gowland says:

    Your specs for the K46 transaxle says it has a 3/4 ” axle shaft. the XT2 LX42 Cub Cadet tractor specs says it has a K 46 transaxle with 1″ axle shaft. Which one is correct? Thank-you

  • Vincent Gonzalez says:

    how to determine if pistons on pump or motor are worn? specifications to measure them.
    Can you rebuild or refurbish these pumps or motors? Is repair kit only option?
    looking for parts for 7A64+6084180 S/N 46BT029180

    • ggraham says:

      It is not usually the pistons that are bad. I know it is all over the internet, but you would need to look at the center case faces on which the cylinder blocks rotate. Specifically, look at the area between the kidney ports for scratches or grooves, and if you flip the cylinder block over, look at the metal between the kidney ports. If there is anything not glassy smooth on any of the parts then that is your issue. A repair kit replaces the hydraulic parts so it is the best fix.

  • Warren C says:

    Hello I am in New Zealand and have a mower with a K46L that is worn out. I have been unable to find a replacement but have been offered a K46CY . I have the skills to make some basic modifications to make it fit if there is some minor differences but are they smaller enough to allow that

    • ggraham says:

      A K46CY will not work. Its configuration is set to be controlled with a pedal and the K46L is configured for fender control. The K46L does not have an internal return to neutral spring but the K46CY does so it will constantly be pulling itself out of “gear” because of the return to neutral spring. We do have a Distributor in New Zealand and I will put their contact information in this response.

      BE Pressure Supply Ltd
      8 Perclo Place
      Pukete, Hamilton, 3200
      64 7 849 0000

      • Me says:

        Pedal or LEver they both move the same part and it wouldn’t make a difference.

        • ggraham says:

          Yes, the pedal or lever moves the same part, that is true. However, there are instances that I have witnessed where the pivot point for the linkage starts to get worn and it will not move the lever as far. The lever is connected to the swashplate, internally and it is the swashplate that squeezes the pistons in the pump cylinder block to produce oil pressure to drive the transaxle. Now the Transaxle has a variable speed pump because the swashplate moves and if it moves a little it squeezes the pistons only a little so only a small amount of oil pressure is built so moves the transaxle or it squeezes a lot and the pressure is much higher moving the transaxle faster. The oil pressure is determined by the swashplate, so it follows logically that if something with the linkage is making the control lever move not quite as far in one direction then the swashplate will pump less oil than it can. Now you see? It is an external issue that affects the transaxle itself that is a lot easier and cheaper to deal with than rebuilding a transaxle that may not actually need to be rebuilt. An easy check and an easy cheaper fix that has actually gotten to the issue. That is why I always give troubleshooting advice to check external things first. I want to empower owners to find the real issue.

  • Gary Moir says:

    What’s the difference between a k46 and a k46e? Thanks

    • ggraham says:

      K46 is a line of transaxles Tuff Torq produces. The K46E is a specific K46 that is produced for Countax.

  • can i replace my k46 in my johndeere 130 with a k57r transaxle

    • ggraham says:

      I am sorry but the internal configurations are such that those two will w=not work to swap them.

  • Martin Caird says:

    I have a 6 yr old John Deere LA130 that needs a new transmission. Is the K46 the correct model and what other parts do I need to add to it?
    Costs would be great too.

  • Richard Hayes says:

    What is the difference between a K46 and a K46BE

    • ggraham says:

      K46 is a transmission line that Tuff Torq produces and K46BE is a specific version of the K46 line. There are no generic K46’s. All are specifically produced for a particular tractor that they are installed in.

  • Lester Raby says:

    i just bought a new K46 axle from amazon does these have the oil done in them it came in a husqvarna box New. Just needed to know?

  • Al says:

    Price of jd transaxle 7A646024090. K46

  • Ken Cullipher says:

    Is the K46AC similar to the K46BE? My newer mower uses the K46BE. The old mower that lost the K46AC is 16 years old. I’d be willing to buy a new K46BE to replace the bad K46AC, if it would work in the old mower, then it would be a spare transmission for the new mower, should anything happen to the old mower…

    • ggraham says:

      I am sorry but the configurations are different enough to make it not work as a replacement. There are still new K46AC’s available, however.

  • Tom Meads says:

    After removing the axle seals. I found the bushing had walked out past the limit per your illustration.
    I would like to know what tolerances to expect with new bushings (axle run out) so I can make a more informed decision about new bushings. I also need part no.s for inner and outer k46bt parts. Thank you for your help so far.

  • Tom Meads says:

    The bt model originally has the splash plate’s big end down. If this is true. It would take a (be) model with the splash plate inverted to operate (properly)?

    • ggraham says:

      Between a K46BT and a K46BE there are even more differences. Add the axles as a difference and the original oil. They are bought by 2 different companies.

  • Tom Meads says:

    Referring to a previous post. What exactly will happen by interchanging the BE with the BD models?

    • ggraham says:

      The Logic is different so if you swap one for the other it will go in reverse when you hit the forward pedal. Also, the fan and pulley stack up, and the height are not the same so there would have to be some modifying to get it to line up correctly or the belt will come off constantly.

  • Tom Meads says:

    How much axle run out is too much. I put a dial indicator on the axle and got a (0.010) ”
    movement. My axle seal is leaking.
    Do the bushings need replacing along with the seals?

  • Dan Kaiser says:

    I have a craftsman 46″ 24hp mower model ” 24420 t8200 pro series with 260 hours on it. Possibly K46 DM trans. It barely backs up but goes forward fine. Any ideas what to do?

    • ggraham says:

      You should check all the linkages and make sure they are moving the control lever in its full arc. it is then you need to check the oil level and make sure there is enough oil. if the oil is fine I would then recommend changing the oil to our Tuff Tech oil and see if it gets better.

  • Brandon Broyles says:

    will a K46BE interchange with a K46BT?

    • ggraham says:

      no those are two different transmissions, though it will bolt in the configurations internally are different enough to make the transaxle not work the same as the original transaxle

  • J Egge says:

    I purchased and installed a K46C transaxle on a John Deere in June,2017. It is slipping when I cut uphill. It was prefilled with oil. Is there anything I can adjust or a way to check the oil?
    The original trans served me well for 15 years.

  • David Coffield says:

    I may need to purchase either a K46 transaxle or the repair kit from you. Can you send me the pricing information? I’m not a repair shop, so whatever your retail price is. My transaxle probably stripped when the Ariens tractor ran out of gas while driving down a steep hill. The stress was enough to bend the tractor frame. I repaired the frame and reinstalled the transaxle, but it isn’t responding (and the release for transport IS engaged). The drive belt is turning and the transaxle pulley is spinning.

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