Tuff Torq ISO 27001 Certification

Tuff Torq receives ISO 27001 Certification
APRIL 19, 2017
Tuff Torq Corporation received the ISO Certification 27001 for their data security and standardization work in the past year. Tuff Torq completed the certification audit in the first quarter of 2017. Final certification was received this week. This is an exciting milestone for Tuff Torq. It shows their commitment to building internal systems that protect their information and the information of their customers and corporate partners.
The International Organization of Standards (ISO) describes the 27001 certifications as follows;
“The ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards helps organizations keep information assets secure.
Using this family of standards will help your organization manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted to you by third parties.
ISO/IEC 27001 is the best-known standard in the family providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS).”
The audit process for the 27001 certification evaluated all aspects of Tuff Torq’s documentation process. Examples of these processes are; information distribution and storage, digital and hardcopy media controls, data consolidation and digital asset management. The review gave all Tuff Torq departments a better understanding of information security procedure and critical data standards.
Tuff Torq president, Kazuhiko Nomazaki, expressed his gratitude to the entire Tuff Torq team for their hard work in accomplishing this important milestone. “Tuff Torq is very proud to receive this important certification, our team has worked diligently to meet and exceed the standards for the ISO 27001 certification. As always, our goal is to provide the best products, and best partnership, to our customers. “said Mr. Nomazaki.
Having earned this important certification, Tuff Torq will continue to look for ways to improve the company’s business structure to further support their customers and innovate with new products and new technology.
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